BMC Medical Genomics published an article « RNAseq analysis of treatment-dependent signaling changes during inflammation in a mouse cutaneous wound healing model» with co-authorship of Novel (AcademGene) employees.
Despite proven therapeutic effects in inflammatory conditions, the specific mechanisms of phytochemical therapies are not well understood. The transcriptome effects of Traumeel (Tr14), a multicomponent natural product, and diclofenac, a non-selective cyclooxygenase (COX) inhibitor, were compared in a mouse cutaneous wound healing model to identify both known and novel pathways for the anti-inflammatory effect of plant-derived natural products.
The study interrogates a high-resolution map of the mouse transcriptome during wound healing to define changes resulting from therapeutic intervention with Traumeel (Tr14), a well-known natural multicomponent anti-inflammatory medicinal product for musculoskeletal conditions. The present studies were conducted to compare and explore more specifically the antiinflammatory effects of Tr14 and diclofenac at the transcriptome level.
Methods: Skin samples from abraded mice were analyzed by single-molecule, amplification-free RNAseq transcript profiling at 7 points between 12 and 192 h after injury. Immediately after injury, the wounds were treated with either diclofenac, Tr14, or placebo control (n = 7 per group/time). RNAseq levels were compared between treatment and control at each time point using a systems biology approach. Results: At early time points (12–36 h), both control and Tr14-treated wounds showed marked increase in the inducible COX2 enzyme mRNA, while diclofenac-treated wounds did not. Tr14, in contrast, modulated lipoxygenase transcripts, especially ALOX12/15, and phospholipases involved in arachidonate metabolism. Notably, Tr14 modulated a group of cell-type specific markers, including the T cell receptor, that could be explained by an overarching effect on the type of cells that were recruited into the wound tissue.
Conclusions: Tr14 and diclofenac had very different effects on the COX/LOX synthetic pathway after cutaneous wounding. Tr14 allowed normal autoinduction of COX2 mRNA, but suppressed mRNA levels for key enzymes in the leukotriene synthetic pathway. Tr14 appeared to have a broad ‘phytocellular’ effect on the wound transcriptome by altering the balance of cell types present in the wound. Full text of the article available at